j00 deserve ALL THE L0VE and HAPP1NESS, j00 are my l1ght, Piconjo <33
j00 deserve ALL THE L0VE and HAPP1NESS, j00 are my l1ght, Piconjo <33
I w1ll alwayz be j00r light! PICONJO <3s j00
I'm scared.
L1fe Chang1ng
God this is too relatable, like every morning I expect to wake up from the nightmare of being in a female body with a female voice, wake up with a full masculine, male body. But it just hasn't happened. And I feel like I haven't accepted it or ever will. I just continue to hope I wake up feeling right
I made this when I was feeling really dysphoric, I put most of that emotion into this.
I’m sorry if I made u feel bad lol.
I Cr1ed 0ver th1s, such tr00 l0ve and pr1de!
0mg Piconjo meh EYES are raining 0ver j00r beautiful message, my l0ve f0r j00 f0rever gr0ws! <3
mai <3 f0r j00 is eternal.
piconjo <3 j00
Then your DS's Super Mario game says "BYE BYE" under your pillow loud enough for mother to hear
Very Relatable
As someone who is literally rank seaman in ROTC, very swag I will show this to my chief
Hope he likes it haha
so cutee omfg!
It's pronounced Eye-Zuh like from Kingdom Hearts
Pico's School
Your Mom's House lmao
Joined on 4/30/21